Since its formation On October 2001 till today The Zimbabwean Association has played a key role by supporting failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers who find it so hard to deal with the UK immigration system. “Our aim is to promote the fundamental freedoms, human rights and welfare of all Zimbabweans regardless of political opinion, race, and tribe just to mention a few” said Thabani Sibanda An active member of the association in Rotherham branch. The association is looking forward to open a sub office in Sheffield at Vasty Hall for Zimbabwean community who can’t manage to travel all the way to London. “This will be a good advantage of opening an office here people like us who need a kind of assistance will be helpful and our dreams may come true” said Owen Ncube
Zim- Association has done a lot of campaigns throughout the country in supportive of asylum seekers their current problem taken from their website is since November 2004 the association have been faced with a huge increase in numbers of Zimbabwean detainees. Their focus has returned to seeking competent legal representation for those facing removal. Monitoring the situation and collecting evidence concerning returnees is now our priority. Everyone is welcomed to be the member of the association as long you come from Zimbabwe you have the right to fight for your country with the same goal.