Sunday 31 March 2019

Their childhoods were blighted by the cruelties of Robert Mugabe's regime - now they watch in horror as their homeland struggles to recover from the devastating Cyclone Idai.
We've spoken to three people who fled persecution or hardship in Zimbabwe to forge a new life in Wales and become inspirational figures in their adopted communities.

Overcoming the heartbreak of leaving children, family and friends behind, all three have become forces for good in Wales.
Now, in the wake of what is being described as the biggest natural disaster to hit southern Africa, they have shared their stories of lost loved ones and the devastation they have witnessed in a desperate bid to inspire others to action.
It is estimated that 750 people have died in the cyclone with 110,000 in camps. The UK's Disasters Emergency Committee estimates that 2.5m people are in need of humanitarian assistance.

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